Type sequences here (FASTA format only) Or upload file * Dataset is limited to 200 sequences
Sequences Type: Amino Acids Nucleotides Codons
Aligned: Aligned (MSA) Not Aligned
Type your phylogenetic tree (required) (Newick format only) OR Upload phylogenetic tree file (Newick format only) Model of substitution: JTT (default) LG mtREV (for mitochondrial proteins) cpREV (for chloroplasts proteins) WAG Dayhoff MIX JC69 model (Jukes and Cantor, 1969) T92 model (Tamura 1992) HKY85 model (Hasegawa, Kishino and Yano 1985) GTR: Generalised time-reversible yang (for codon sequences) empiriCodon (for codon sequences)
structure: Structure Available Predict Structure