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The FASTML Server
Server for computing Maximum Likelihood
ancestral sequence reconstruction

The FASTML Server - Server for computing Maximum Likelihood ancestral sequence reconstruction

Type sequences here (FASTA format only)

Or upload file

* Dataset is limited to 200 sequences

Sequences Type: Amino Acids    Nucleotides    Codons

Aligned: Aligned (MSA)    Not Aligned

Type your phylogenetic tree (required) (Newick format only)
Upload phylogenetic tree file (Newick format only)     

Model of substitution:

Please enter your email address (Optional)
Your email address will be used to update you the moment the results are ready.


Advanced options

Phylogenetic tree method

Optimize Branch Lengths

Use Gamma Distribution

Optimize alpha

User provide alpha:

Compute also joint reconstruction

Job title (Optional)
Enter a descriptive job title for your FastML query